Institute of International Relations and Media Research (IIRMR)

Institute of International Relations and Media Research (IIRMR) is a think tank designed to thrash out serious discussions on Pakistan's international relations, national foreign policy and diplomacy. It also aims to reinvent the role of media in Pakistan's foreign policy building up Pakistan-centric narrative with adaptive vision.

Being a nonpartisan institute, the IIRMR dedicates to improve the understanding of Pakistan's foreign policy and international affairs through free exchange of ideas. It plays a role of bridge among major stakeholders, like the government, media and public, to suggest and help strategise connotations of foreign policy.

The IIRMR fosters independent research, assisting those who produce articles, reports and books and hold round tables that analyze foreign policy issues and make concrete policy recommendations.

Gwadar Today ( is signature media project of Institute of International relations and Media Research (IIRMR), a dedicated “Think Tank” working for sensitization of Pakistan’s relations with International Community especially China, US, Middle East, EU, South Asia, South East Asia and African countries.


IIRMR is determined to promote, safeguard and defend the national interest of Pakistan. It is programmed to contribute towards the building of a secure, equitable and democratic international community. It fosters multilateral growth through the expansion of ties and to fully integrate Pakistan into the global relations.

IIRMR believes in working towards sustainable development through deepening and acceleration of regional integration. Being Foreign Relations entity it tolerates wide differences of opinions. IIRMR intends to launch various multiplatform media organization with a print magazine, a website, a mobile site, various apps and social media feeds, an event business, and more. Anchoring foreign affairs, it underlines the need to understand global affairs through free exchange of ideas.


The Institute is a self-governing body and envisions itself as independent of all political, economic and social interests. The Institute represents no sectoral viewpoint and expresses no corporate views of its own. Views expressed in the Institute's publications and at its discussion forms, conferences, seminars and briefings are those of the authors and speakers.

They do not necessarily reflect the policy of IIRMR. It is characterized as a platform for free brainstorming on sensitive issues. It provides a way for speakers to openly ponder their views in private while allowing the topics and nature of the debates to be made public and contribute to a broader conversation. We carry out independent and rigorous analysis of critical global, regional and country-specific challenges and opportunities - offering new ideas and proposals from the near to the long-term.

Policy Statement

The information, views and opinions expressed in any publication and writing piece do not necessarily state or reflect the official policy of IIRMR. It does not accept responsibility for the views expressed in any article, signed or unsigned, which appears in its pages. What it does accept is the responsibility for giving them a chance to appear there.

It carries high values of integrity, selflessness, impartiality, accountability, team spirit, transparency, patriotism, dedication, discipline and proactive approach. What is demanded to author is that they shall be competent and well informed, representing honest opinions seriously held and convincingly expressed. Policy recommendations are framed in collaboration with policymakers, experts and stakeholders in each area. It will regularly communicate with officials, legislators and other decision-makers.