5th Project of 2022
Gwadar Pak-China Football Match warms local hearts
1st “Pak-China Friendly Football Match” was held at Futsal Football ground alongside Marine Drive that runs with bustling beach of Gwadar under the auspices of Chinese Embassy Islamabad and in collaboration with Institute of International Relations and Media Research (IIRMR) and District Football Association (DFA), Gwadar.

Press Release
Opening up a new era of cementing the people-to-people bond between China and Pakistan and promoting local games in Gwadar, the 1st “Pak-China Friendly Football Match” was held at Futsal Football ground alongside Marine Drive that runs with bustling beach of Gwadar.
Fascinated and thrilled by local spectators, the Pak-China Friendly Football Match was organized in connection with commemoration of the 71st anniversary of the establishment of Pak-China diplomatic relations under the auspice of Chinese Embassy Islamabad and in collaboration with Institute of International Relations and Media Research (IIRMR) and District Football Association (DFA), Gwadar.
Opening up a new era of cementing the people-to-people bond between China and Pakistan and promoting local games in Gwadar, the 1st “Pak-China Friendly Football Match” was held at Futsal Football ground alongside Marine Drive that runs with bustling beach of Gwadar.
Fascinated and thrilled by local spectators, the Pak-China Friendly Football Match was organized in connection with commemoration of the 71st anniversary of the establishment of Pak-China diplomatic relations under the auspice of Chinese Embassy Islamabad and in collaboration with Institute of International Relations and Media Research (IIRMR) and District Football Association (DFA), Gwadar.
Opening up a new era of cementing the people-to-people bond between China and Pakistan and promoting local games in Gwadar, the 1st “Pak-China Friendly Football Match” was held at Futsal Football ground alongside Marine Drive that runs with bustling beach of Gwadar.
Fascinated and thrilled by local spectators, the Pak-China Friendly Football Match was organized in connection with commemoration of the 71st anniversary of the establishment of Pak-China diplomatic relations under the auspice of Chinese Embassy Islamabad and in collaboration with Institute of International Relations and Media Research (IIRMR) and District Football Association (DFA), Gwadar.
The final match was won by Capt Gafoor Mehr Football Club. Chief Guest doled out winning trophy and cash gifts to players. Fustal football ground is located at the foot of Koh-e-Batil, one of the famous hills in the south of Gwadar city at an altitude of 470 feet. It is not new one rather has existed for decades. The city administration rehabilitated and transformed it into modern soccer ground. The grass, the installation of floodlights, and the building of the pavilion cost an estimated amount of Rs 6 million.